Edit or replace this text and learn something about plain writing .
Really understandable content is created by simplifying your text. Get rid of passive voice, adverbs, complex, filler, or vague words and split long sentences easily into shorter ones, to make your readers understand your message. Or just let the AI assistant simplify your content into flawless, plain language.
The higher your score, the more your text is plain language. The score depends on your average sentence and word length. The highlighted areas in your text also influence your score.
Score in %
81 - 100
Very Easy
61 - 80
41 - 60
21 - 40
0 - 20
Very Hard
Let the AI do the work
One click to flawless & clear content, synonyms, custom prompts and more. Stay creative! The AI does the rest.
The Plain Language AI Text Editor
Edit your book, email, article, or any text with Textbuddy in minutes, not hours. Use the AI writing tools to fix typos or to turn hard-to-read sentences into clear and plain language.
Language level
The Common Reference Levels
are a standardized scale for grading an individual's language skill. There are six levels:
A1, A2: basic user / simple language
B1, B2: independent user / plain language
C1, C2: proficient user / complicated language
This measure aids in understanding and comparing learning progress in different languages.