AI Writing Assistant

Click on the white robot icon at the bottom center of the Textbuddy editor to open the AI assistant. Drop a few lines of text into the "Your text" area and select the task you want the assistant to execute. Press the yellow "Go Go AI Assistant" button and GPT will perform its magic. The resulting AI text will appear in the "AI Result" tab, which opens after a few seconds. The AI assistant is part of Textbuddy Premium.
Example: Let the AI break up too long sentences.


AI copywriter
Fix grammar and spelling
Create headline/summary
Analyze sentiment
Suggest synonyms
Plain English converter

Rewrite in plain English

Turn your content into plain English with the push of a button. The AI will simplify your text and rewrite it into a new, concise version.
"Your text" example:
A constitution is the aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organisation or other type of entity and commonly determine how that entity is to be governed. Source: Wikipedia
"Ai result" example:
A constitution is a set of rules and principles that decide how a country, organization, or entity should be run.

Fix mistakes: Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation Checker

When you are satisfied with what you have written, use your AI assistant to correct any mistakes with just one click.
"Your text" example:
Textbuddy focuses on refined and plain language to creating content supirior to the competition. Its a AI powered online editor for writers.
"Ai result" example:
Textbuddy focuses on refined and plain language to create content superior to the competition. It is an AI-powered online editor for writers.

Sentiment Analysis Tool

GPT understands the sentiment of a text by using a mix of techniques such as word embeddings, contextualized language models, and transfer learning. It is trained on large sets of text and labels and uses the context of the text to figure out the sentiment. It can also understand the sentiment of individual words, phrases, and sentences.
"Your text" example:
Would you mind helping me with the text I wrote about the AI text generator? I am not sure if the technical facts are correct or if I got something wrong.
"Ai result" example:
The sentiment of this text is uncertain.

GPT as Text Generator or Copywriter AI

Use "Add relevant text" in the AI assistant to come up with ideas, inspiration, templates, and phrases. GPT can also help you research topics, find sources, and analyze data. The AI assistant is designed to save time and help writers become more concise and efficient.
"Your text" example:
Will there ever be sentient AI?
"Ai result" example:
It is impossible to predict the future, so it is impossible to say whether there will ever be sentient AI. However, many experts believe that advances in artificial intelligence technology may eventually lead to the development of AI that is capable of exhibiting human-like thought processes.
Now copy the generated text into Textbuddy and improve it:
Improved example:
It is impossible to predict the future, so it is hard to say whether there will ever be sentient AI. However, experts believe that advances in artificial intelligence technology may lead to an AI that is capable of human-like thought processes.
Here you go! Plain and clear content.