Select a few lines, a paragraph, or your whole text in the Textbuddy editor and choose an action.
Turn your hard to read content into plain language with one click on "Improve and simplify."
Generate paragraphs, emails, responses, articles, or sentences with the "Add relevant text" tool.
The AI assistant is part of Textbuddy Premium.
Fix grammar and spelling
Analyze sentiment
Plain English converter
Simplify your Writing
Select one or more sentences in the editor and push the "Improve & simplify" button (or select the tool in the dropdown).
Textbuddy will simplify your selected content and rewrite it into a new, concise version. The reading level will improve and so will your overall readability.
The readability climbed from 0% to 74%. The CEFR Readling Level changed from C2 (complicated language) to B1 (plain language).
Generate Content
Use the "Add relevant text" tool to generate paragraphs, ideas, drafts, templates, and inspiration.
This tool executes your custom GPT prompts.
The result has a readability of 62% and a reading level of B2. A few tweaks and it makes a fine paragraph.
Fix mistakes: Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation Checker
When you are satisfied with what you have written, use your AI assistant to fix any mistakes.Sentiment Analysis Tool
GPT understands the sentiment of your message by using a mix of techniques such as word embeddings, contextualized language models, and transfer learning.
It is trained on large sets of text and labels and uses the context of the content to figure out the sentiment. It can also understand the sentiment of individual words, phrases, and sentences.